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Jacky Purtill Artwork Cropped
Jacky Purtill Artwork Cropped
Jacky Purtill Artwork Cropped
Jacky Purtill Artwork Cropped
Jacky Purtill Artwork Cropped
Jacky Purtill Artwork Cropped
Jacky Purtill Artwork Cropped
Jacky Purtill Artwork Cropped
Jacky Purtill Artwork Cropped
Find out about
Open Studios West Berkshire and North Hampshire

An art collective based in Berkshire and Hampshire that promotes and supports local artists.

Collaboration Main Image

Open Studios West Berkshire and North Hampshire (OSWBNH) was set up in 1988 by the late Pat Eastop MBE as a non-profit organisation, run entirely by unpaid volunteers, to celebrate the diversity of visual arts available within the local community. They strive to create a dialogue between artists and the community by encouraging members of the public to visit artists’ studios.

Jacky Purtill is an accredited member of this organisation.

You can find out more about these organisation at:

Open Studios West Berkshire and North Hampshire

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